
A pharmacist is a person who practices the profession of pharmacy Pharmacist is specialist in medications, companion of the physician, counselor to the patient, guardian of public health. Pharmacy Act gives power only to Registered Pharmacists to handle medicines. Section 42 of the Pharmacy Act states that no person other than a Registered Pharmacist shall compound, prepare, mix, or dispense any medicine on the prescription of a medical practitioner and whosoever contravenes it shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine not exceeding one thousand rupees or with both. Dispensing is the final step in therapeutics process and the success curative process depends on quality of dispensing practice.

  • To promote the sciences and arts of Pharmacy in all aspects
  • To impart suitable education and training to the members preparing or to those already engaged in the pharmacy profession.
  • To undertake, carry on or promote scientific and technical research, experiments and tests of all kinds in pharmaceutical and allied sciences
  • • To edit, publish- journals, books, magazines, documents and other publications for promoting the cause of the profession
  • To hold seminars, symposia, conferences and exhibitions for promoting the causes of profession of Pharmacy

Agencies which implement human rights include United Nations (Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights), National Human Rights Commission in different countries, Amnesty International, International Human Rights Movement and a number of NGO's in different parts of the world Agencies which implement human rights include United NationsAgencies which implement human rights include United Nations.

Indian Phatmarcy Graduates Association

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“To engage Pharmacists of various facets of profession of pharmacy and to promote the highest professional and ethical standards of pharmacy.”

“To focus the image of pharmacists as competent healthcare professionals, sensitize the community, government and others on vital professional issues and support pharmaceutical education & sciences in all aspects.”